This program is now On-Demand! Start at any time.
8-Week Cyclical Ketogenic Dieting Program
So here's the deal... you'll get immediate access to my membership portal made up of 8 learning modules.
Within the course, you'll be lead each step of the way (and you'll have direct access to me).
You'll start with what I call a calibration/onboarding week.
Then you'll download the training, we'll go over the framework of the diet, and I'll set your macro guidelines for each of you if you need help with the calculator we provide.
This calibration week we'll work on first getting you in ketosis, especially if this is a completely new way of eating for you.
Again, if you're like most people, this is a totally new approach.
I'll be your coach for the next 8 weeks, teaching and showing you the in and outs of this workout and nutrition program and guiding you to lose 10lbs (or more), and get more tone or muscular - in the next 60 days!
I’m looking for people to experience my online program, help me refine it even further, and get amazing results that I can use as a case study. If that’s you, join me!
Look And Feel More Muscular And Leaner In 8 Weeks!
2 Month Supply of my
Powerhouse Greens
is included - shipped
to your doorstep!
And here's one more thing to make it a no-brainer... I'm including a 2 month supply of my Powerhouse Greens when you purchase my program today. It's the only superfood green drink with 5g of creatine monohydrate AND 3g of BCAAs on the market. And I'm including a 2 month supply as part of my program right now!
This program has taken on many iterations and options over time. I'll reveal 2 new supplements I've added to my personal regimen, as well as my OTC testosterone boosting supplement stack you can copy.
This complete program is only $297... and I'm including a 2-month supply of my Powerhouse Greens ($119 value) for a limited time.
If you're reading this, this promotion is still on so get started now and be sure to enter your mailing address during checkout so we know where to send your supplements to.
We'll cover shipping as well!
CKD has made a big difference in my health and wellness. Just before the pandemic started, I knew I needed to lose weight. I decided to try keto and set out to lose 60 lbs. I was limiting myself to 40g of carbs a day and walking. After 3 months I had lost 20 lbs, but hit a wall.
Richard posted on Facebook about taking part in CKD and having the app for workouts. I had not lifted any weights in years. But I decided to give it a try. After 8 weeks, I had lost another 20 lbs, but I had built more muscle and had more muscle tone than I have had in many years. The eating and the workouts have become a big part of my everyday life. It’s no longer something that I “decided to give a try.” It’s now a lifestyle.
I look forward to losing the final 20 lbs and hitting my goal weight. But, the workouts and healthier eating will continue. I strongly recommend for anyone, no matter age or gender, that wants to lose weight and get into better physical shape to give it a try. I’m 45 and feel better than I have felt in many years. Plus, carb up day is pretty great! - Joey B.
I've got over 25 years of experience with the ketogenic diet, and more specifically, CKD.
I used it to prep for my bodybuilding shows back in the early 90s (I won the Teenage Nationals in '93 - pictured).
I competed over a 10 year span and I became the go-to contest prep coach using CKD to prep clients. And I've been coaching on it ever since.
I've found CKD to be sustainable and flexible. You can use it as a long-term lifestyle, or use it as a shorter, focused boost in your fitness journey.
Either way, I'm here to offer my knowledge and expertise to you!